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Christie Kaaland curriculum vitae

Christie Kaaland, Ed. D.


4703 Foster Place NE, Tacoma, WA 98422



Doctorate in Education, Curriculum and Instruction

University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Master of Arts in Education, Educational Administration

University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Bachelor of Arts, English and Education

Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA




Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery in the School Library: Creating a Safe Haven, ABC-CLIO, Libraries Unlimited, 2015.


Contributing author, Activism and the School Librarian: Tools for Advocacy and Survival, ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2012.




Washington State School Library Impact Study: How School Library Impact Studies Happen, The Backstory”. Teacher Librarian. October, 2015. TPB.


“WNDB: There’s Work to be Done!” School Library Connection, September, 2015. TBP.


“The School Library’s Role During Critical Times.” School Library Monthly. February, 2015.


“The Power of Parent Advocacy.” School Library Monthly. November, 2013.


“Learning Plans: Inspiration for Learning with The One and Only Ivan.”School Library Monthly. October, 2013.


“Courting a New Superintendent.” School Library Monthly. March, 2013.


“Literary Conversations: Teens and Authors.”  School Library Monthly. January, 2013.

“Cavalcade of Authors”, MEDIUM, Washington Library Media Association Journal, Spring-Summer, 2012.


“Vultures and Vampires and Vipers.…Oh My! How Scary Is the Alphabet:Nudging Toward Literacy with Beastly Alphabet Books.” School Library Monthly. September, 2012.


“Developing a District-Wide School Library Advocacy Plan: Part 2: Visibility and Vigilance.” School Library Monthly. Jan. 2012.


“Developing a District-Wide School Library Advocacy Plan: Part 1: Vision and Voice.” School Library Monthly. Dec, 2011.

“School Library Language for Legislators.” School Library Monthly. March, 2011.


Proactive Advocacy: “Emergency Preparedness for the School Library.” School Library Monthly. January,2011.


Curriculum Connections: The Latest Great Titles in Trade Alphabet Books.” School Library Monthly, Dec. 2010.


Recruitment to the Profession: A Form of Advocacy.” School Library Monthly. June, 2010.


“Legislator in the Library Day: A Model for Legislative Advocacy.” School Library Monthly. March, 2010.


“Notes from the Bullet Train: Communication with Administrators as a Key toAdministrative Support.”School Library Monthly. April, 2010.


“Math Curriculum Connection: Saving @ Your School Library.” School Library Monthly.January, 2010.


Making History: The Story of the Spokane Moms.” School Library Monthly. April, 2008.


“Searching Our Souls: Advocating for the School Library Program.” Medium. Spring, 2007.


“L is for Library.” School Library Media Activities Monthly. November, 1999.


“A Good Book Is a Fine Thing”.Tacoma School District Library, pamphlet, 1999+


“Holiday Picks” Readers’ Theatre.” School Library Media Activities Monthly. 1998.


“Teachers’ Perceptions of Creative Drama.” Youth Theater Journal Spring, 1994.


PATHS Curriculum Bibliography, University of Washington, 1993.



“Promoting a Strong School Library Program: School Library Advocacy” Professional Development training, March, 2015, Kent School District.


“The School Library as a Safe Haven for Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.” Washington Library Media Association Conference, Yakima, WA, Oct. 2014.


“Washington State Survey of Library and Information Technology: Survey Report.” Washington Library Media Association Conference, Yakima, WA, Oct. 2014.


“Tools for Advocacy and Survival.” American Association of School Librarians Biennial Conference, Hartford, CT, November 2013.


“Emergency Preparedness for the School Library.” BEYOND WORDS federal grant preconference session solo presenter, American Library Association Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2013, invited to present.


Building Influence: Organizing for Political Action, American Association of School Librarians Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2011.


Support Emergent Readers’ Literacy Skills Using Alphabet Books, Washington Library Media Association Conference, Seattle, WA, Oct. 2010.


Hosting Legislator Visits in the School Library, Washington Library Media Association Conference, panelist, Seattle, WA, Oct. 2010.


Lobbying Legislators, American Association of School Librarians Biennial Conference, Exploratorium, Charlotte, NC, Nov. 2009.


Library Legislative Advocacy: Following Legislation Impacting School Libraries, Washington Library Media Association Conference, Yakima, WA, Oct. 2009.


Inviting Diversity, Mansfield University Pennsylvania School Library and Information Technology annual faculty meeting, Mansfield, PA, August, 2009.


Lobbying Legislators: Lessons Learned, Washington Library Media Association Northwest Conference, Portland, OR, 2008.


Building Library Advocacy, Washington Library Media Association Conference, Seattle, WA, 2007.


Improving Reading Fluency, Washington Library Media Association Conference, Seattle, WA, 2003.


Integrating Literature Across the Curriculum, Tacoma School DistrictProfessional Development Course, multiple presentations, 2001.


Total Literacy Immersion, Washington Organization of Reading Development Conference, Seattle, WA, October, 1999.


Latest and Greatest: Great New Literature for the Upper Elementary Classroom, Tacoma District Professional Development Seminar, Elementary Teachers, Winter, 1999.


A Good Book Is a Fine Thing, Tacoma School District Professional Development Seminar, 1999+


Using Drama in Literature, Washington State Library Media Association Conference, Bellevue, WA, 1999.


Invitations to Literacy,Tacoma School District Curriculum Office, Supplementary Literacy Program, Literacy Database: Aligned District K-5 Literacy Curriculum with District-wide Library collections to themes in Houghton-Mifflin Literacy Program, multiple presentations, 2003.




Areas of focus: WNDB, Children’s multicultural literature, alphabet books for emergent readers, school library legislative advocacy, the school library’s role in the Common Core State Standards.



Core Faculty, Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, WA, current position

Chair, MAEd with Library Media Certification Program, current position

Designed and Launched Antioch University’s first hybrid online program: Master of Arts in Education with Library Media endorsement, 2009 -2011, funded through Chancellor’s Innovation Grant.


Designed Antioch University Seattle’s Master of Arts in Education with Library Media endorsement, 2006 -present.


Co-authored/committee member of Washington State’s Library Media Endorsement Competencies, 2008.


Authored state accreditation, Antioch University Seattle’s School Library Media Endorsement, Approved, 2003, Reapproved 2009.


Tacoma School District, Tacoma, WA, 1992-2002, Curriculum Specialist:


Designed and approved curriculum to supplement district literacy curriculum, 1992 – 2002


Integrating Children’s Nonfiction Literature Into the Curriculum, Tacoma District’s Professional Development Course: Elementary, Summer, 2002.


Latest and Greatest: New Literature for the Upper Elementary Classroom, Tacoma District Professional Development Seminar, Elementary teachers, 1999.


Steps to Successful Collaborative Research Writing, Tacoma District Professional Development Seminar, Elementary teachers and librarians, 1997.


Tacoma District’s Professional Development Course: Elementary, Summer, 2002, Integrating Children’s Nonfiction Literature Into the Curriculum.


Tacoma District Professional Development Seminar, Elementary teachers, 1999, Latest and Greatest: New Literature for the Upper Elementary Classroom


Tacoma District Professional Development Seminar, Elementary teachers and librarians, 1997, Steps to Successful Collaborative Research Writing.



Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, WA, current position


Core Faculty:Core courses, MA Ed with Library Media Endorsement

Core Certification Courses, Graduate Teacher Preparation


Tacoma School District, Tacoma, WA

            School Library Media Specialist

Secondary English and Drama Teacher, Junior High and High School,Language Arts Dept. Chair




Signature Courses:

Selections for Collections: Selecting Children’s and Adolescent Material for the School Library, MA Ed school library graduate course


Librarians as Curriculum and Assessment Leaders, MA Ed with library media, graduate course


Children’s and Adolescent Multicultural Literature, undergraduate teacher certification program


Multicultural Literature in the K-8 Classroom, Children’s and Young Adult Literature, undergraduate course


Child Development and Learning Theories, foundational course, graduate teacher certification program




Lead researcher with Craig Seasholes and Jennifer Fukutaki to shepherd the recent Washington State School Library Impact Study from inception to complete, 2012-2015. Created the survey, sought and procured state support for implementation, administered survey with follow-up presentation of data.




Kent School District Partnership: Established Academic Partnership between Kent School District and Antioch University Seattle to provide Antioch University Seattle’s Library Media Endorsement to the 22 new teacher-librarians, 2014.


Richland School District Partnership: Established Academic Partnership between Richland School District and Antioch University Seattle to provide Antioch University Seattle’s Master of Arts in Education with Library Media and partnership for application for IMLS scholarship, 2011.


Columbia Basin University Partnership, Tri-Cities, Washington, Established Academic Partnership with Memorandum of Understanding to provide Antioch University Seattle Master of Arts in Education, 2011+.


Mansfield University Pennsylvania Partnership:  Established Academic Partnership between Mansfield University Pennsylvania School Library and Information Technology and Antioch University Seattle blending local expertise with Mansfield’s national online program, 2005-present.


Tacoma School District Partnership: Established Academic Partnership between Tacoma School District and Antioch University Seattle to provide Antioch University Seattle’s Master of Arts in Education with Library Media endorsement on site in Tacoma and IMLS Grant scholarship partnership, 2006-2010.




Authored, Bringing 21st Century Skills to 21st Century Schools,Antioch University Seattle, Chancellor’s Discretionary Academic Innovation Fund, $75,000, 2010. Awarded.


Edited, Building the Promise, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Mansfield University Pennsylvania, $1million, 2010. Awarded to Mansfield University, $500,000.


Authored,Building Inspired Library Leaders in Schools, Institute of Museum and Library Services. Antioch University Seattle in partnership with Mansfield University Pennsylvania, $1,000,000, 2009. Not funded.


Co-authored,Building Leaders scholarship grant, Antioch University Seattle in partnership with Mansfield University Pennsylvania, Institute of Museum and Library Services, $1,000,000. 2007, Awarded.


Authored, Integrating Art into the School Library Program, 1998. Awarded.




Antioch University Seattle: Catalysts of Collaboration Award for exemplary collaboration, 2012.


Antioch University Seattle: Faculty Excellence Award, for outstanding contribution to the university, growth and development, 2009.


Antioch University Seattle: The Horace Mann Award for volunteerism and victories for humanity, 2008. One faculty member selected annually, this was the second annual award granted.


Golden Acorn Award, Browns Point Elementary, 1999, in recognition of outstanding community service, 1999.





Contributing faculty member: Antioch University Seattle’s Higher Learning Commission National Accreditation Report: Graduate Teacher Preparation, 2013.


Contributing faculty member: Antioch University Seattle’s OSPI Accreditation Report: Graduate Teacher Preparation, Fall-Spring, 2011.


Authored Antioch University Seattle’s Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Report: Master of Arts in Education with Library Media endorsement, off-site campuses, Spring, 2010.


Served on Washington state committee developing Library Media Endorsement Competencies, 2007-08.


Authored Antioch University Seattle’s School Library Endorsement Competencies, Spr. 2003 Authored competencies and strategies for assessing competencies; approved Spring 2003 and Winter, 2008.





Designed the first hybrid online program for Antioch University’s 5-campuses: Antioch’s Masters of Arts in Education with Library Media Endorsement Program, 2011 – present.


Designed and Orchestrated Antioch University’s Masters of Arts in Education with School Library Media Endorsement Program in partnership with Tacoma School District, 2003-2008.


Designed a program in partnership with Mansfield University Pennsylvania in a unique on-line and on-site hybrid-model; aligned course content with state and national (AASL) competencies; recruited and advised all students through pilot program; recruited and trained all adjunct instructors.


Authored: A Good Book is a Fine Thing, On-Line Database and pamphlet, 2002

A database of children’s literature for Tacoma SD collated by genre, author, title, and readability level and aligned with the Washington’s Essential Academic Learning Requirements Reading.


Tacoma School District’s Technology Framework, Curriculum Committee, Chair, Summer, 2001.

Articulation of the framework of technology skills by grade level, K-12, as directed by Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements.


Authored Tacoma School District, Invitations to Literacy Supplementary Literacy Program, 1997-2002 Integrated, annotated bibliographies of databases of Tacoma Public Library and Tacoma School District’s library materials aligned with district’s K-5 literacy curriculum; each grade level includes a 120-250 page comprehensive collection of supplementary materials compiled by theme/genre and aligned with Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements.


Chaired and co-authored Tacoma School District’s Communication Skills Curriculum, 1996, Chair.

A vertical articulation of integrative communication skills by grade level, K-12, as directed by Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements.


Co-authored Tacoma SD’s Library Information Skills Curriculum, 1993-1995.

This comprehensive, standards-based library and information skills curriculum is delivered as an integrative continuum to be taught collaboratively between librarian and classroom teachers.


Authored An Anthology of Women Writers (supplementary literature curriculum).

A supplementary, 7th – 9th grade curriculum anthologizing contemporary literature authored by women; included were all necessary components for a complete, quarter-long literature course.




Classroom/library volunteer, Greenlake Elementary School, Seattle School District, current


Founding member, Act4SL (Act for Student Learning; Act for School Libraries), National Grassroots School Library Legislative Advocacy Group


Washington Library Media Association Executive Board, Advocacy Chair/Co-chair, 2007-2011




  • Program Administrators Certificate No. 190678C
  • Washington State Teaching Certificate
  • Washington Library Media Association, board member, 2008-2011
  • Washington Library Media Association
  • American Association of School Library, member
  • American Library Association, member

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