3520 South 35th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Ph.D. University of Missouri, Information Science and Learning
Technologies (2009).
M. Ed. University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Administrative,
Supervisory Certificate and Library Media Endorsement, K-12.
Teaching Certificate, K-6, University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
B.A. University of Nebraska- Lincoln (Social Welfare).
2005-June, 2015 Libraries Unlimited/ABC-CLIO
Managing Editor of School Library Monthly, a professional magazine for school librarians.
1993-2005 Lincoln Public Schools
Coordinaor of Library and Staff Librarian; Library Media Services, Lincoln Public Schools.
In charge of professional development for over 60 school librarians, K-12; oversaw online and nonprint acquisitions; planned the multi-year retroconversion process for the district; helped to establish a district-wide electronic library circulation and catalog system; worked with curriculum consultants to integrate information literacy skills; edited the information literacy publication, Guide to Integrated Information Literacy Skills (2000, 2003) estabished district contracts with vendors of K-12 products; maintained communications with vendors; helped to obtain and implement a 1.2 million dollar Dewitt Wallace/Reader’s Digest Library Power grant.
1981-1993 Lincoln Public Schools
Elementary school librarian: Pershing (1981-85), Kahoa (1985-90) and Park/Everett Elementary (1990-1993) Schools. Planned and implemented a flexibly scheduled library media program at each school that integrated information literacy skills in collaboration with teachers K-6.
Levitov, Deborah. Activism and the School Librarian: Tools for Advocacy and Survival. Editor.Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
Levitov, Deborah. “Educating School Administrators.” School Library Monthly, 26, No. 6 (February 2010): 45-47.
Levitov, Deborah. Guide for Developing and Evaluating School Library Programs, 7th ed. Editor. Libraries Unlimited, 2000, 2006.
Levitov, Deborah. “Language—Communication or Jargon?” School Library Monthly, 24, No. 5 (January 2008): 45-46.
Levitov, Deborah. “New Directions: The Unplanned Path to Publishing.” Knowledge Quest, 38, No. 5 (May/June2010): 46-51.
Levitov, Deborah. “One Libray Media Specialist’s Unplanned Journey to Understanding Advocacy.” Knowledge Quest, 36, No. 1 (September/October 2007): 28-31.
Levitov, Deborah. “Perspectives of School Administrators Related to School Libraries” in School Libraries Matter: Views from Research. Mirah J. Dow,Editor. Libraries Unlimited, 2013.
Levitov, Deborah. “Perspectives of Schoool Administrators Related to School Library Media Programs After Participating in an Online Course, “School Library Advocacy for Administrators.”” Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri, 2009.
Levitov, Deborah. “The School Librarian as an Advocacy Leader” in The Many Faces of School Library Leadership. Sharon Coatney, Editor. Libraries Unlimited, 2010.
Levitov, Deborah. “School Librarians and the CCSS: Knowing, Claiming, and Acting on Their Expertise” in Inquiry and the Common Core: Librarians and Teachers Designing Teaching for Learning. Violet H. Harada and Sharon Coatney, Editors. Libraries Unlimited 2014.
Levitov, Deborah. “Teaching and Learning: The Heart of Advocacy” in Activism and the School Librarian: Tools for Advocacy and Survival. Deborah Levitov, Editor.Libraries Unlimited, 2012.
2013 Chair and member of the AASL Common Core Implementation Assistance Task Force
2011 Advisory Board; IMLS Grant for Building a Bridge to Literacy for African-American Male Youth: A Call to Action for the Library Community
2011 AASL Standards and Guidelines Implementaton Task Force Committee
2010 AASL Collaborative School Library Media Award Committee
2010 ALA Presidential Initiative Leadership Workgroup on Advocacy for Libraries.
2010 Co-chair of the Nebraska Information Power Implementation Committee, 1998-Present.
2008 Member of the AASL Advocacy Standing Committee.
2007-10 AASL Advocacy Inistitute Presenter (Presenter of Institutes as assigned nationally).
2007 Presenter, AASL Preconference “AASL Advocay Institute,” Reno, NV
2007 Co-presenter for NYLA/SLMS ’07 Conference “Stop Talking to the Trees: Plant Seeds for Program Growth,” Syracuse, N.Y.
2005-07 Chair of the AASL Advocacy Special Committee.
2006 Presenter, AASL Preconference “Transforming the Support of School Library Media Programs Through Advocacy.” New Orleans, LA.
2003-05 Chair of the AASL “@ your library Special Committee.”
- Keynote Speaker, Colorado Association of Libraries “Powerful Connections @ your library.” Denver, CO.2003 Presenter for 3M Corporation’s “@ Your Library” campaign for school libraries, planningretreat, MN.2002 Presenter, “Advocacy @ your library” for the Leadership & Technology @ your library Workshop,NEMA ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant & IMLS Grant.
2000 Committee member for Nebraska State Department’s School Library Media Programs Policy Study.
2000-01 Instructor & Developer of an IMLS Online Course: “Literacy Online”, launched in October, 2000.
1993 Member of the DeWitt Wallace Reader’s Digest Library Power Grant Advisory and Writing Committee, Lincoln Public Schools Foundation.
2004 Nebraska Library Association Louise Nixon Scholarship.
2004 Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Rho State-Nebraska Scholarship.
2003 University of Missouri Lucille Marie Cobb Memorial Scholarship.
1999 Presidential Award, Nebraska Educational Media Association.
1998 Distinguished Media Service Award, Nebraska Educational Media Association.
1993 Induction into Phi Delta Kappa, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chapter.
1993 Lincoln Public Schools Foundation Classroom Grant: “Meet the Everett Family: We are the World.”
1993 Lincoln Public Schools Foundation “Gold Star Salute” for outstanding achievement in LPS.
1991 Presidential Award for Leadership, Nebraska Educational Media Association.
1989 Sound Off Award, Innovation in the Library Media Profession, Nebraska Educational Media Association.
1988 Bill Backer Memorial Scholarship to attend the AASL conference in New Orleans.
1985 Much Ado About Marketing Award; School Category for Excellence in Library Media Promotions, Nebraska
Library Association.
Professional Memberships:
American Library Association
American Association of School Librarians
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Delta Kappa Gama, Zeta Chapter
Nebraska Association of School Librarians
Nebraska Library Association
Phi Delta Kappa